The Ultimate Guide to Storing Almonds

The Ultimate Guide to Storing Almonds

Let’s see how storing almonds should be done. Have you ever gone to your pantry for a snack and found that the almonds there are no longer fresh and crunchy but chewy and stale? Another example would be baking cookies with almonds from the pantry only to be disappointed by their poor taste. So, what happens if use almonds like this?

While it’s not dangerous to eat rotten nuts, their strong, disagreeable flavour can ruin a recipe like cookies right out of the oven.

Almonds can only be kept fresh for a few months if kept at room temperature in a cabinet, like in the aforementioned circumstances. Almonds stay at room temperature for a shorter period than in the fridge or freezer. Despite their perishable nature, almonds can be kept fresh for longer if you know how to store them properly.


When Do Almonds Go Bad, and Why?

Because of their high monounsaturated and omega-3 fatty acid content, almonds contribute to a healthy cardiovascular diet. However, suppose the almonds are exposed to air, particularly at room temperature. In that case, the fats begin to go rancid. That’s why storing almonds properly is important.

The rancid oil completely ruins the flavour of the old almonds. Rancid almonds aren’t poisonous but they lose their fat nutrition. Consuming rancid fat regularly could probably add to various health issues. So, if the almonds have gone rancid, it’s time to toss them.

Because of the phytochemical antioxidants present, almonds have a longer shelf life than other nuts. Some research suggests that these antioxidants may benefit human health as well. Almonds are frequently ranked as the best food in the world. 

Almonds’ Shelf Life

The Almond Board of California claims that storage life is affected by production, processing, and packaging methods.

  •       Almond paste has a two-and-a-half-year shelf life if stored in the refrigerator.
  •       If you keep your natural almonds in the fridge or freezer, they’ll last for at least two years.
  •       If you store your roasted almonds in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer, they can keep for up to a year.


The Proper Method of Storing Almonds

When not in use, almonds benefit from being kept in the fridge or freezer in an airtight container. Remember that almonds should not be kept in your cupboard since they will go rancid if left there. However, you can safely store the remainder and take out what you need for a day or two.

Whole, natural almonds can be kept for up to two years, provided they are kept in the dark, cool, dry place where the temperature stays below 40 degrees Fahrenheit and the humidity stays below 65 percent. Almonds are susceptible to rancidity when exposed to light and heat because they contain a lot of oil and monounsaturated fats (the excellent lipids you want for a healthy diet and healthy heart).

Almonds are safe to freeze. In their natural state, almonds can be frozen for up to two years, whereas roasted almonds can be frozen for almost one year.

Almonds should be stored in containers, freezer bags, or vacuum sealers to maintain their freshness. This prevents “freezer burn” by decreasing the formation of ice crystals.

Suppose you plan on storing almonds at room temperature. In that case, an airtight container will protect them from being tainted by any strong aromas they could be exposed to. Almonds, for instance, will take on the flavor of the bananas if they are kept in the same dish as the bananas on the kitchen counter.

By Storing almonds in the fridge, they’ll last longer without spoiling and won’t be too cold to grab.


Does Storing Almonds in the Freezer Kill All Their Vitamins and Minerals?

Almonds can be preserved by freezing for an extended period. This method is among the best available for storing almonds. It keeps these nuts fresh for longer and increases their storage life.

Almonds retain their nutritional value even after being frozen. Due to improper storage, it would be a shame to lose some of the health benefits of almonds, which are already low in saturated fat and high in omega-3s.

Almonds and nuts generally are suitable for freezing since they contain so little moisture. Because of the latter, the texture and nutritional value of food are altered and often lost throughout the freezing process.

Almonds are safe and nutritious to store in the freezer since their water content is so low that freezing won’t alter their texture or nutritional value.

Suppose the nuts are properly packaged and stored. They can be frozen and then defrosted without losing their flavor, crunch, freshness, or nutritional value.

The Almond Board of California claims that storage life is affected by production, processing, and packaging methods.

Can Almonds Be Refrozen?

Nuts can be thawed and used as needed. If you only need a small handful of a product, like almonds, it’s unnecessary to thaw the entire bag. Although nuts can be refrozen, doing so too frequently can be harmful.


How Long Can You Keep Almonds in The Freezer?

As was briefly noted in storing almonds in the freezer, almonds have a one-year shelf life in the fridge and 18- to 24 months in the freezer. Almonds, even when unshelled, have a shelf life of about two years in the fridge. However, the quality of the nuts before freezing and your freezing method are both crucial factors.


So, in brief, here are some of the most important points for storing almonds:

  •       Because of their high-fat content, they easily go rancid if not stored properly.
  •       Almond quality and longevity are greatly affected by packaging. The package can act as a barrier against moisture, oxygen, and scents and provide physical protection. Almonds have a high capacity for odour absorption and absorb flavours of strong spices, chemicals, and even other foods.
  •       Almonds in their shells lose their colour and stability if left in the sun for too long.
  •       Almonds should be kept or displayed in an environment that is not too hot or humid.
  •       Freezing almonds is an effective way to extend their shelf life.

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